Tag Archives | massage

Signs of Pain – Physical Indicators

Chronic pain, i.e. pain that is ongoing, often goes unrecognised because dogs rarely cry out or moan. Instead they change the way they sit, stand or move to accommodate their discomfort and carry on. As owners we often put the changes down to old age, the heat, the cold, the long walk they’ve just done, […]

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Stress and Anxiety – Causes and Signs

When a dog feels stressed or anxious it’s body gets ready to respond. This is commonly known as the fight or flight response. The sympathetic nervous system causes the pupils of the eyes open up to allow more light in and improve vision, breathing speeds up to get more oxygen into the body, blood vessels […]

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Massage and Fireworks

  Many dog owners dread the arrival of Autumn as it also means firework season. Normally calm, happy dogs can be transformed into quivering wrecks when the flashes and bangs start. For some dogs their fear is confined to fireworks, for others it also applies to thunder, gun shots, whistles, electronic beeping etc or can […]

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Massage – Proactive or Reactive

There are 2 aspects to massage. The proactive aspect where massage is used when your dog doesn’t have any mobility issues and the reactive aspect where massage is used to address mobility issues resulting from old age, joint problems or accidents. Massage is used proactively from puppyhood right through a dog’s life. With puppies massage […]

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